Traveling with a newborn presents an exciting family vacation opportunity, but also poses greater risks due to his or her developing immune system. Before traveling with your infant, make sure you receive clearance from a paediatrician first.
Ideally, try flying near your infant’s normal bedtime; this will help minimize jet lag upon reaching your destination.
Plan Ahead
Before your trip, create a list of items you will require. This will keep your trip organized and reduce stress; such as diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, snacks and medicine – as well as toys or books to keep your little one occupied during downtime! You may find some of these things at your destination store – however it’s best to be prepared just in case something unexpected comes up and is left behind!
Additionally, be sure to plan your itinerary ahead. Travel at nap times or at night when possible for maximum stress reduction for both parent and baby alike. Finally, book flights, accommodation and rental cars early as this will guarantee the best rate while preventing last-minute hassles and unexpected charges.
Be sure to pack all of the baby’s favorite toys and blankets – these will help them feel at home while traveling! As much as possible, try sticking with their usual bedtime routine such as reading them a book or giving them a bath.
Remember to be patient and flexible when traveling with a young child. Changes in routine may be frightening for infants, leading them to act out emotionally as a result. Don’t allow this emotional reaction deter you from enjoying a fantastic family vacation – with proper planning and preparation, an enjoyable trip can become lasting memories.
Bring a Car Seat
Car seats are essential equipment for traveling with children. When taking your infant on an airplane or road trip, make sure they have one to keep them safe – FAA approved ones should fit perfectly! Consider also packing an inflatable booster seat such as mifold to ensure their comfort during travel.
Babies and toddlers tend to become distressed when traveling without familiar surroundings, which is why it can be helpful to include items they find comfort in such as their favorite plush toy, rattle, or blanket with scents from home.
If flying, aim to arrive at the airport shortly before their usual nap time in order to allow them to sleep through their flight and be well rested when they land. When flying with children younger than 3 years, remember they must remain buckled-in during taxi, take-off, landing, turbulent patches of flight or when the seat belt sign illuminates. In addition, it is crucial that their immunization status be verified prior to international travel; especially if their vaccination schedule is outdated. This will help ensure their immune system will remain as strong as possible to combat potential threats during any possible encounters along the way!
Get a Window Seat
If possible, when flying with infants and toddlers, try to reserve a window seat. This can provide more entertainment options and privacy for breastfeeding mothers as well as being useful should your child become restless towards the end of your flight – you could entice them with treats from the plane’s snack basket!
If your baby is traveling as a lap baby (i.e., they fly free or at very reduced costs until the age of 2), arrive early so as to have the best chance at snaring an aisle seat with additional legroom. If your flight is full, ask your gate agent if there’s any way they can rearrange seating assignments so as to accommodate for your little one – they will surely be more than willing to assist!
Once on board, one parent could consider remaining at the gate to take advantage of early boarding before joining their family at their seat. This would give them time to set up their space, put away bags, and tire out their children before joining everyone else for boarding. When all passengers have boarded, then parent who remained at the gate can move back towards their seat before taking their children out for a short stroll around the plane before settling them in; doing this may allow them to use up some energy before falling asleep onboard!
Pack Extra Clothes
As parents know, babies go through clothing quickly when on the move. That’s why it’s essential to bring plenty of extra diapers, high chair covers, and outfits when traveling with an infant, including swim diapers if your infant will be swimming during your vacation. For added convenience, we advise rolling all your child’s clothing together into one bundle rather than packing each item individually; this makes finding what you’re searching for easier while helping prevent wrinkles!
Not only should you bring clothes for both yourself and your child, but don’t forget extra food, formula and wipes too if traveling by plane. Pack these in a clear gallon-size plastic bag in order to pass security checkpoints with ease; and don’t forget a few toys to keep your little one occupied during travel time!
Be as faithful to their usual schedule for nap times, feedings and sleep as possible when traveling with an infant. This will make the transition less stressful for everyone involved while decreasing chances of your little one becoming cranky during your journey. Need more tips for sticking to their usual pattern? Check out our handy travel guide on travelling with infants here.
Pack a First Aid Kit
Traveling with a baby can be both enriching and exhausting, which makes preparation essential. Arranging for a first aid kit to have on hand could save a life in case any accidents or illnesses arise during your travels.
If your child has had experience with motion sickness from other modes of transportation, be sure to pack some medication to prevent or treat nausea on a plane ride. Suckable ginger lollypops also work great for soothing upset stomachs (plus they make for great distractions!).
As your travel plans may vary, adding a thermometer can be helpful for monitoring fever. Furthermore, allergy and antihistamine medication could be included just in case your child experiences an allergic reaction during your journey.
Don’t forget to include some reusable cold compresses for minor aches and pains in your baby first aid kit, as well as Epsom salts to ease sore muscles and swollen joints (we were surprised how well they work!) You could even try old wives’ tales such as placing wet paper bags over your child’s belly button to combat travel sickness, while latex free medical gloves could come in handy during any mishaps or emergencies during your journey.
Bring a Blanket
No matter if you are flying or driving to your destination, it is wise to pack a blanket just in case your baby becomes cold on board or during layovers. Muslin swaddle blankets can make great travel companions since they fold into compact pouches that fit easily in diaper bags; additionally they make for cozy nursing covers while on-the-go breastfeeding.
Spit ups and blow outs can be inevitable when traveling with an infant, so it is wise to bring along a waterproof reusable wet bag such as Bumkins’. This bag will allow for the collection of any clothing or diapers soiled by bodily fluids until you can reach a trashcan or washing machine to dispose of them properly. In the event that a diaper rash should arise while traveling, Desitin may provide relief as it soothes it quickly while simultaneously helping prevent future outbreaks.
Wipes should always be a must in your diaper bag, but when traveling with babies they become even more essential. From wiping hands and tray tables clean to sanitizing plane and train seats – Hello Bello travel wipes feature an easy snap-close lid making them convenient and easy to carry in a diaper bag.
As a general guideline, bring enough clothes for both you and your baby for the entirety of their trip plus additional pieces in case of delays or cancellations. Snacks should also be packed along with a basic first aid kit and infant Tylenol supplies; depending on their age you should also consider packing a travel-friendly baby monitor.